Younger children are supported well by staff. Staff teach children good safety awareness. For instance, children use the outdoor space with care and caution as they ride wheeled toys. Staff teach them about road safety to protect them from harm while out on trips.”
Ofsted 2018


At Precious Jewels the safeguarding and welfare of our children is paramount. Quality and safety is embedded into our daily approach which ensures children, their families and our staffing team feel supported, valued and secure. We have robust and effective measures in place to allow effective record keeping and transparency, ensuring that safeguarding is everybody’s business. Our responsibility to those in our care is Precious Jewels is top priority.

Supporting documents

Accident and Injury Policy

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Admissions Policy

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Behaviour Policy

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Complaints Policy

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Late Collection Policy

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Mealtime Policy

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Missing and Lost Child Policy

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Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedure

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Toileting Policy

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